Pay-Per-Minute - How it works?

The app is an application that should be installed in the model’s device to track time when a member initiates a Skype call. If you have successfully verified your model account and ready to start working, you can use this guide to know more about how App per-per-minute works.

NOTE: You can download the App on any PC, Desktop, Notebook that runs the Windows operating system. We also support Mac OS X.

1. Download and install the App plug-in on your device. After a successful download, double-click the app to run it. Note that if you’re using Windows operating system, a Windows Defender screen will appear. 

Normally it appears as an anti-malware component of your computer device but don’t worry as the App is very safe. Instead of clicking “Don’t Run”, click on More Info link and it will show the Run Anyway button.

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2. Click the Run Anyway button to install.  Once it is successfully installed, it will show you the App plug-in where you can enter your verified CamLust email and password. Just enter the necessary details to login.

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3. Once you’re logged in a pop-up window will appear showing that your CamLust account is connecting to your Skype.  

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4. You need to log in your Skype account so you can start receiving calls from members. Make sure that the Skype account you are using here is the same account that is connected on CamLust, otherwise the plug-in will not properly track time when a member calls.

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5. Once you’ve successfully connected your Skype account, your App status will changed to Connected. It means you can start receiving calls.

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6. Note that you should only take calls from CamLust members. You will be notified when someone initiates a call on Skype through a pop-up window, which normally appears on the lower right corner of your device’s screen. The screenshot below will show you the difference between a non-member and a CamLust member with a funded account.

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7. If the person who is calling you is a member and has a funded account, you can click on the video icon on your Skype window to start the live show. Consequently, App will automatically charge the member with your rate per-minute within the first second (00:01) of the call.

For example, if you charge $2 per minute then on the lower right corner of your screen you will see that the payment is already in progress through the App tracker.

If the Skype call continues, another $2 will be charged on the member’s account for a total of $4, which you can still see on the App tracker. Please see screenshot below as an example.

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In addition to the information you will see on the App tracker, you will also receive a message on your Skype window telling you that the call has been charged $2 per minute.

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If the member runs out of funds, the live show is automatically aborted and you will receive another message on Skype informing you that the member no longer have enough funds to continue the call.

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8. It is advisable for models to have a fast internet connection (at least 12mbps) for the App plug-in to track time efficiently. In case you don’t have a good connection, your tracker will say it is “not charging” even though the live show has already started.

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9. After the call, a pop up window will appear asking you to rate App. You can rate us 5 stars if you feel satisfied with the app. Similarly, the member will also be asked to rate his live show experience, which is why as model, you also need to do perform at your best.

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10. If you want to check your balance, you can go to My Account >Payment > History and you will see all of your CamLust transactions. It is automatically updated so it also shows how much money has been added from your latest transaction.

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