Monica barbie
2.00$ per minute
- Rating
- Age 28
- Sex Transgender
- Location Colima, Mexico
- Sexual orientation Straight
- Speaks Español
- Eyes Hazel
- Hair Many
- Foreskin Cut
- Endowments 6-8”
- Body Types About Average
Hello, my name is Monica Barbie, a Mexican transsexual, I love sex without haste, we take positions you want and if you like boobies and big buttocks, call me, I can be passive and act, I am affectionate I have 19cm of plaser, as you see my photos, I am in person ... as a result of the current global pandemic and abiding by the security measures and without risks of anything what better way to satisfy each other than with a video call you and I have erotic toys lingerie we squirt together
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Monica barbie
$2.00 per minute
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