Jose Alejandro Mercado Torres
1.00$ за минуту
- Rating
- Возраст 18
- Пол Мужчины
- Местонахождение Bucaramanga, Colombia
- Сексуальная ориентация Гей
- Говорит English, Spanish
- Глаза Карие
- Волосы Dark Brown
- Волосы на лице Чисто выбритый
- Крайняя плоть Необрезаный
- Таланты 6-8”
- Типы Телосложения Спортивный и в тонусе
Hi guys, my name is Jose Alejandro, I´m from Venezuela but I currently live in Colombia, I´m 19 years old, dentistry student. In my free time i like to exercise, enjoy nature, read books and also like cooking.
In the bed I´m very hot, I like strong sex, I can easily adapt to any position, I´m open to the role play, wearing sexy underwear, sex toys, satisfying fetishes and dirty wishes, I can please you at all, just leave your message And tell me your fantasies and I will do the best for you, I´m always available to answer your messages and agree on the best time for your show. Prepaid shows are avaible.
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Jose Alejandro Mercado Torres
$1.00 за минуту
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